Natural And Effective Family Planning - Rhythm Method
"Rhythm Method", also called the Calendar Method or the Calendar Rhythm Method, is a form of natural family planning.
How the Rhythm Method works
Abstinence means completely avoiding sex — the only 100-percent effective way to prevent pregnancy. But many couples practice periodic abstinence as birth control, meaning they abstain from sex during the time when the woman is fertile.
"What we know about pregnancy is that there is a very short time period in which an egg can be fertilized," says Jennifer A. Shuford, MD, MPH, director of applied science at the Medical Institute for Sexual Health in Austin, Texas. "There are times of the month then when it should be impossible to get pregnant if the woman has not ovulated and won't within five to seven days of intercourse. So the trick comes knowing exactly when you're going to ovulate."
To use the Rhythm Method, you track your menstrual history to predict when you'll ovulate. This helps you determine when you're most likely to conceive.
Using the Rhythm Method for birth control requires careful record keeping and diligence. If you don't want to conceive, you and your partner must avoid having sex or use a barrier method of contraception during your fertile days each month.
If you’re a premenopausal adult woman, you’re most likely to be fertile and get pregnant if you have unprotected sex a few days before or during ovulation.
Ovulation happens when your ovaries release an egg. It occurs approximately once per month, about 12 to 16 days after menstruation. The specific day on which you ovulate depends on your cycle length. This is largely controlled by fluctuations in your sex hormone levels. For some women, these fluctuations are quite consistent from one month to another. Other women have more irregular menstrual cycles. A period occurs 14 days after ovulation if a pregnancy hasn’t occurred.
Once an egg is released from your ovaries, its life span is very short. Conception can only occur if it’s fertilized 24 to 48 hours after the time of actual ovulation. However, male sperm can remain alive and viable in your body for up to five days after ejaculation. So, it’s possible to have intercourse up to five days before you ovulate and get pregnant as a result.
These biologic realities mean the actual period of viable fertility can last anywhere from five to eight days for most women. In general, women are most fertile during the following times:
-the five days before ovulation
-the day of ovulation
-within 12 to 24 hours after ovulation
You’re less likely to get pregnant if you’ve accurately identified your fertile period and avoid unprotected sex on those days each month. In theory, this will prevent viable sperm from being present in your fallopian tubes at the same time as a viable egg. In turn, this will prevent fertilization and conception. That being said, fertility awareness is among the least reliable methods of contraception. Multiple methods of collecting information are necessary. Use the calendar method, the temperature method, and the cervical mucus methods to increase the effectiveness of Rhythm Method.
How can you track your menstrual cycle
Every woman’s menstrual cycle is different. To use Rhythm Method effectively, it’s important to pinpoint when you’re ovulating. There are several ways to track your ovulation cycle and fertility. Using a combination of the following improves effectiveness in preventing pregnancy.
These are some common methods incorporated into fertility awareness:
Calendar rhythm method: You use past menstrual cycles to estimate the time of your ovulation. When used on its own, this is the least reliable method of birth control. It should be avoided if your menstrual cycles are shorter than 26 days or longer than 32 days.
Temperature method: You track your basal body temperature (BBT) for several cycles by using a very sensitive thermometer to take your temperature before you get out of bed each morning. Due to hormonal surges, your BBT goes up right after ovulation.
Cervical mucus method: You track the color, thickness, and texture of your cervical mucus to monitor your fertility. Your cervical mucus becomes thinner when you ovulate.
The symptothermal method, in which you use all three of the methods above together, makes Rhythm Metohd most effective. You should track at least 6–12 menstrual cycles before you begin to rely on Rhythm Method for contraception.
It’s best to talk to your doctor or take a course on fertility awareness before deciding if Rhythm Method is right for you. Educate yourself about your body and its cycles. Rhythm requires a significant and consistent investment of time and effort.
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